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The Legal Department articles are not intended to serve as legal advice and are offered for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for independent legal advice and it is not intended to address every situation that could potentially arise. Please be aware that laws, regulations and technical standards change over time. As a result, it is important to verify and update any reference or information that is provided in the article.
This article provides a high-level summary of the calendar year 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, the proposed rule that will determine how MFTs and MHCs are integrated into the Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) system. The article also offers information about the Medicare FFS provider enrollment process.
Sara Jasper, JD Staff Attorney The Therapist September/October 2023
In July, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that administers all aspects of the Medicare program, including Medicare rules and regulations, released its calendar year (CY) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule. This PFS proposed rule outlines how licensed marriage and family therapists (MFTs) and mental health counselors (MHCs)—aka licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCCs) in California—will be integrated into the Medicare (Part B) Fee-for-Service1 system. Once it’s finalized in November, the PFS rule will enable MFTs and MHCs to complete the Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) provider enrollment process so they can begin getting reimbursed by the Medicare FFS system as of January 1, 2024. This article provides a high-level summary of the proposed rule and offers information about the Medicare FFS provider enrollment process.
The PFS is a lengthy rule issued annually that provides information on behavioral health codes, services, and reimbursement rates for Medicare providers. Since MFTs and MHCs will be included in the Medicare program starting in 2024, this year’s rule included information on the provider enrollment process. There was a 60-day period during which providers and other stakeholders could submit comments on the PFS rule. CAMFT and its Medicare Mental Health Workforce Coalition partners commented on the proposed rule and will provide information about CMS’s response once the CY 2024 Medicare PFS final rule is published in November.
Big Picture Summary
Medicare PFS Proposed Reimbursement Rates Consistent with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 that establishes MFTs and MHCs as eligible Medicare providers, the PFS proposes reimbursing social workers, MFTs, and MHCs for psychotherapy services at 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or 75 percent of the amount determined for clinical psychologist services. To get an idea of what those payments amount to, members can use CMS’s provider payment look-up tool (www.cms.gov/medicare/payment/fee-schedules/physician/lookup-tool) to determine what psychologists and social workers are typically paid for psychotherapy services. For example, prospective Medicare providers can do a search for what a clinical psychologist (CP) is paid for a 50-minute session. Depending on the location and setting, a CP’s payment for a claim with a 90834 CPT code is anywhere from $89 to $114. In Northern California, a CP would receive $114 for a 50-minute session. This means, Medicare would pay MFTs and MHCs 75% of the $114 paid to the CP or $85.50. Keep in mind, the rates under the CY 2024 Medicare PFS final rule may differ slightly.
When reviewing Medicare reimbursement rates, prospective Medicare providers should be aware that psychotherapists who enroll and participate as Medicare providers agree to accept Medicare’s payment as payment in full. This means Medicare participating providers cannot collect more from patients than their Medicare deductibles, co-insurances, and co-payments (i.e., they cannot balance-bill patients). For more information about the three types of relationships providers can have with the Medicare system (i.e. opt-outed provider, participating provider and non-participating provider) and how those relationships impact provider payment, visit CAMFT’s Medicare Corner (www.camft.org/ medicare).
Once the final rule is published in mid-to- late November, CMS is proposing to allow MFTs and MHCs to enroll as providers using either the PECOS electronic system or paper applications. MFTs and MHCs who complete the application process promptly and without deficiencies may be reimbursed for Medicare services as of January 1, 2024. Given that 30-35 percent of provider applications require at least one round of corrections, not all MFTs and MHCs who apply will become approved providers at the turn of the new year. CMS strongly encourages providers to use the PECOS system to apply as opposed to submitting a paper application.
There are several benefits to using PECOS:
PECOS 2.0 CMS had indicated that it would introduce a new version of PECOS, PECOS 2.0, during the summer of 2023, but the update had not debuted by the time this article was prepared for publication. CMS now anticipates introducing PECOS 2.0 sometime in the fall. Once it has debuted, CAMFT will publish information about any PECOS 2.0 trainings within the Medicare Corner of its website.
The Medicare fee-for-service provider enrollment process can be broken down into four steps:
Step 1: Register with the Identity and Access Management System (aka the I&A system). Step 2: Get a National Provider Identifier (NPI). Step 3: Complete the appropriate Medicare provider enrollment application(s) through PECOS or submit the relevant paper application(s). Step 4: Work with the appropriate Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) to address any application deficiencies.
Although MFTs and MHCs will not be able to enroll until the CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule is finalized in November, MFTs and MHCs can complete the first two steps of the process now.
Prospective providers can also review the PECOS provider enrollment checklists, which can be found on the Provider Enrollment Information page of CAMFT’s Medicare Corner, gather the necessary documentation, scan and save it to a computer in the correct format. The documents should be saved in .pdf or .tif file format that can be uploaded to PECOS.
Instructions for Completing Step 1 of the Medicare Provider Enrollment Process Step 1: Register/create an account with the Identity and Access Management System (aka the I&A system). The I&A system allows a user to create one account to manage access to CMS systems such as PECOS.
To register for the I&A system:
Instructions for Completing Step 2 of the Medicare Provider Enrollment Process Step 2: Once registered with the I&A system, visit the NPPES website (https://nppes.cms.hhs. gov/#/) and use your I&A login to get to the electronic NPI application.
All Medicare providers must obtain at least one NPI number. In some cases, more than one NPI is required. For example, a sole owner of a psychotherapy practice needs one Type 1 individual provider NPI and at least one Type 2 organization NPI. To determine whether a registration already exists, users can do a search of the NPI Registry (https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/search). Registrants who need help determining which NPI(s) to apply for can go to the NPI support page (https://med. noridianmedicare.com/web/jeb/enrollment/ npi) on the Noridian Healthcare Solutions, Inc., website (https://med.noridianmedicare. com/web/jeb/enrollment/npi) to obtain more information and access tutorials. Information about NPIs is also available on the Medicare FAQs page within CAMFT’s Medicare Corner.
Although CMS has indicated that it will not offer any trainings or tutorials on how to enroll as a provider until the Medicare PFS final rule is published in November, you can find recordings and slides from the Medicare Mental Health Workforce Coalition’s four-part webinar series on Medicare within CAMFT’s Medicare Corner www.camft.org/medicare). As a member benefit, CAMFT is also scheduled to begin offering a six-part webinar series on Medicare in late September. Please visit the Medicare Corner of CAMFT’s website for more information about the series and how to register.
CMS and Noridian Healthcare Solutions, Inc., the MAC for California Medicare FFS providers, also offer free Medicare trainings. These are featured within the “Enroll in Medicare” portion of Noridian’s website (https://med.noridianmedicare.com/web/jeb/ enrollment/enroll) as well as its “Enrollment on Demand (EoD) Tutorials for Part B Specialties” page (https://med.noridianmedicare.com/web/ jeb/education/tutorials#enroll). Noridian also has a more general “Provider Enrollment” page (https://med.noridianmedicare.com/web/jeb/ enrollment) with additional information about the provider enrollment process.
For a general overview of the Medicare system,CMS offers a Medicare Learning Network web-based training course (https://www.cms. gov/Outreach-and-Education/MLN/WBT/ MLN9329634-WOM/WOM/index.html) titled “World of Medicare.”
Relevant Resources
CAMFT and the Medicare Mental Health Workforce Coalition continue to advocate for the full inclusion of MFTs and MHCs in the Medicare system. In addition to working closely with coalition partners, CAMFT is also part of a CMS stakeholder workgroup. Through that connection, CAMFT continues to offer CMS information about and insights into the education, training, and experience of California MFTs and MHCs. For more Medicare news and information, please visit the Medicare Corner of CAMFT’s website.
Sara Jasper, JD, CAE, is a staff attorney for CAMFT. Sara is available to answer member calls regarding legal, ethical, and licensure issues.
1The term “fee-for-service” or “FFS” is a system of health insurance payment in which a doctor or other health care provider is paid a fee for each particular service rendered. 2 As part of the CY 2024 Medicare PFS, CMS requested comment from states whose licensure requirements do not align with this requirement. CAMFT and the coalition it belongs to have asked CMS what kind of documentation will be required as proof of having performed at least two years or 3,000 hours of post-degree clinically supervised experience. Given the difficulty licensees could have obtaining documentation that states they’ve met the requirement, CAMFT requested that providers be allowed to attest to having met the eligibility requirements as part of CMS’s provider application process. 3Integrating behavioral health care into primary care is part of CMS’s strategy to improve outcomes for Americans with mental or behavioral health conditions.
This article is not intended to serve as legal advice and is offered for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for independent legal advice and it is not intended to address every situation that could potentially arise. Please be aware that laws, regulations and technical standards change over time. As a result, it is important to verify and update any reference or information that is provided in this article.
As of January 2, 2024, MFTs and LPCCs will be eligible Medicare providers. MFTs and LPCCs who do not wish to be included as Medicare providers must opt out to be officially excluded from the Medicare program.
What Happens When a Provider Opts Out of Medicare? Providers who have opted out neither accept Medicare nor bill Medicare for services rendered to Medicare patients. Medicare will not pay Medicare beneficiaries for care they have received from providers who have opted out; patients are responsible for the entire cost of their care. Providers who have opted out of Medicare must give Medicare patients a private contract that describes the charges for services and confirms the patient understands they are responsible for the full cost of care.
How to Opt Out Once MFTs are eligible to become Medicare providers as of January 1, 2024, any psychotherapist who wants to be officially excluded from the Medicare system should do all of the following:
What Are the Consequences for Eligible Providers Who Do Not Opt Out? It is illegal for an eligible Medicare provider to have Medicare patients pay for services in full outside of Medicare if they have not officially opted out. A practitioner who enters into a private contract with a Medicare beneficiary without having opted out may be subject to a civil penalty under Section 1128a of the Social Security Act.
Note: MFTs and MHCs who wish to opt out as providers within the Medicare system cannot do so until MFTs and MHCs are officially recognized as eligible providers by CMS and the Medicare system on January 1, 2024. At that time, those who wish to opt out will be able to go to CAMFT’s Medicare Corner to obtain the necessary opt-out form.