Legislative Update August 2022



2022 California Legislative Session

The Legislature resumed from summer recess August 1, 2022 for a flurry of activity before they adjourn for the year on August 31, 2022. At the end of August, the Governor will have 30 days to sign or veto bills.

CAMFT Sponsored Legislation:

MFTs and AMFTs in FQHC and Rural Health Clinics: SB 966 (Limon) Co-Sponsor: This bill removes administrative barriers that have prevented MFTs from providing treatment in Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHC) and Rural Health Clinics (RHC). Current Medi-Cal policy requires FQHCs and RHCs to file a new "scope of services" when adding a new provider, like MFTs. By eliminating this administrative hurdle, FQHCs and RHCs may hire MFTs to help ensure services are available to their patients and increase access to behavioral health treatment.

Additionally, this bill makes a Federal COVID-19 pandemic waiver permanent and allows Associate Marriage and Family Therapists and Associate Clinical Social Workers to work in FQHCs and RHCs. This will provide an additional opportunity for these associate clinicians to pursue their clinical hours required for state licensure and improve consumer access.

This bill has had no "no" votes and is in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Bills supported by CAMFT:

Mental Health: 988 Crisis Line (Bauer-Kahan) Support:
This bill further implements the"988" statewide system for suicide prevention and mental health crisis response system that went live in July, and includes the requirements for a Director, advisory group, and permanent funding. This bill is in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Remote Supervision: AB 1758 (Aguilar-Curry) Support: This bill allows for the remote supervision of pre-licensees, without regard to the setting, by defining supervision as "face-to-face contact" to mean in-person contact or contact via two-way, real-time videoconferencing, or some combination of these.  The bill also includes a sunset of 2026 that allows for a re-evaluation of the supervision policy. This measure is urgent legislation, meaning it will go into effect immediately if the Governor signs it. This bill is on the Senate Floor and CAMFT is advocating for an early August vote in the Senate and for the Governor’s signature.

Board of Behavioral Sciences
The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) held a Policy and Advocacy Committee meeting on July 29, 2022. The hearing agenda included and discussions around amendments to the Changes in the enforcement Regulations, trainee use of telehealth, medical leaves for associates/hour expiration, and temporary practice allowance for out of state licensees. A more detailed report of this meeting will be in the next The Therapist magazine.

Future BBS Meetings:       

  BBS Board    August 11-12, 2022
  Policy and Advocacy   October 14, 2022


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