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The Legal Department articles are not intended to serve as legal advice and are offered for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for independent legal advice and it is not intended to address every situation that could potentially arise. Please be aware that laws, regulations and technical standards change over time. As a result, it is important to verify and update any reference or information that is provided in the article.
Medicare Reimbursement: How to Bill Second Party Payers
The purpose of this article is to briefly review telemedicine generally and the issues surrounding telemedicine since its creation in California in 1996.
To assist the reader in navigating this article, here are some of the more commonly used words and phrases.
The laws surrounding disability discrimination are vast and complex, this is an attempt to narrow down and summarize the main guiding principles.
CAMFT surveys pre-licensed members
CAMFT brings to your attention two stories that recently hit the mainstream media focusing on managed health care plans and some of the issues which you, as a provider, will likely find yourself enmeshed in regularly.
This article will present four vignettes that discuss hypothetical situations involving a therapist's treatment of patients in the military. Readers are invited to submit a written analysis of the legal and ethical issues evident to each vignette.
After December 31, 2011, LMFTs may no longer grandparent into the LPCC licensure. After January 1, 2012, for LMFTs, LMFT Registered Interns and/or Trainees who wish to become dually licensed as an LMFT and LPCC, the following information will apply
In recent months we have received inquiries from members possessing medical marijuana cards, engaging in marijuana usage for medical purposes, and requesting information on the implications of such usage and possession on their practice and license.
In 2009, the Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor licensure law was passed and signed here in California. This article is to assist pre-licensed MFTs with the LPCC requirements.