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The Legal Department articles are not intended to serve as legal advice and are offered for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for independent legal advice and it is not intended to address every situation that could potentially arise. Please be aware that laws, regulations and technical standards change over time. As a result, it is important to verify and update any reference or information that is provided in the article.
During a session with your 14-year-old client you learn information that leads you to believe she is a victim of child abuse. As a well trained therapist, you call Child Protective Services (???CPS???) after the session to report the abuse and are to
We are at the beginning of a new legislative cycle and therefore at an imperative point to again encourage the passage of a bill to include MFTs in Medicare reimbursement. Although we have come close in the past to achieving this goal, we continue to
Marriage and Family Therapists often find themselves in the role of Landlord, as well as Tenant in their business practices. Dealing with the legal issues surrounding your landlord-tenant agreements can be confusing, stressful and time-consuming.
The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) would like to make the following recommendations to California consumers who choose to seek therapy or counseling over the Internet. Individuals who provide psychotherapy or counseling, either in person, by tele
Time and time again, there seems to be much confusion with regard to whether an MFT must, or is even permitted to, report consensual sexual activity involving minors. Learn when it is mandatory to report consensual sexual activity.
Although the overall employment of counselors is expected to grow faster than average for all occupations today's job market continues to become increasingly competitive. Having skills above and beyond a Marriage and Family Therapist license,
Job hunting and curriculum vitae writing can be a daunting and time consuming task whether one is searching for a trainee position, an internship or changing jobs as a licensed MFT. Only the lucky few obtain positions without having to und