CEPA Providers Online Courses



We would like you to know that any planned face-to-face educational course can be offered online and still be eligible for CEUs (via WebEx, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, etc.).

However, your online course must meet the following CEPA Program Manual Guidelines and Policies, and BBS Regulations:

  • All documentation is still required that you would do with a face-to-face course (and kept for four years): course syllabi for all courses; the time and location of all courses; course advertisements; course instructors’ vitae or resumes; attendance rosters with the names and license numbers of licensees who attended the courses; a record of attendance; Confirmation of Attendance issued to licensees who attended the courses (i.e., Certificate);
  • Providers who offer distance-learning courses or allow online registration for courses shall employ electronic security measures, and reliable technology;
  • Providers of distance-learning courses shall provide a method for verifying the individual participated in the continuing education activity, and that all work was done by the person awarded the credit. This is usually done through a post-course test that participants must take to receive credit;
  • Where the participant does not have the opportunity to interact with the instructor and ask questions during the course, post-tests are required.

As for the “sign-in/sign-out” sheets at live events, the BBS has indicated to CAMFT that “either form of the sign-in sheet, paper or electronic, is permissible, and the law requires providers to keep records of attendance. The law does not specify how you keep those attendance records.” This allows CAMFT Providers some flexibility during this cautious time.

If you have further questions, please see the CEPA FAQ page.