2020-2021 Board of Directors

CAMFT is pleased to announce the winners of the 2020-2021 Board of Directors election:

President-Elect: Danah Williams, LMFT
Chief Financial Officer: Robin Andersen, LMFT
Clinical Directors-at-Large: Juan Gavidia, LMFT; Maureen Houtz, LMFT; and Ava Denise Phillips, LMFT

The newly-elected Board Members will begin service on June 1, 2020 with the following Board Members continuing their terms:

President: Cathryn Leff, LMFT 
Past-President: Katie Vernoy, LMFT
Secretary: Lisa Romain, LMFT
Clinical Directors-at-Large: Darshana Doshi, LMFT; Nanci Finley, LMFT; and Kira Kayler, LMFT
Pre-licensed Director-at-Large: Peter Cellarius, AMFT


CAMFT 2020 Bylaws Vote

CAMFT would also like to share the 2020 Bylaws Vote results:

  1. CAMFT members voted YES to changing all mentions of “Associate” membership to “Affiliate” membership.
  2. CAMFT members voted YES to removing language stating that Emeritus membership is free.
  3. CAMFT members voted YES to allow for electronic transmission of information to members in addition to and in lieu of paper mail.
  4. CAMFT members voted YES to removing the six (6)-month grace period payment provision.
  5. CAMFT members voted YES to adding language that includes electronic voting in addition to paper ballots, as well as adding language from the Corporations code regarding vote counting requirements.
  6. CAMFT members voted YES to clarifying the “practice of health” exclusion as applying to dually licensed persons who have active (not retired or abandoned secondary) licenses as psychologist, clinical social worker, professional clinical counselor, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or psychiatric physician assistant, when limiting the Board composition to two (2) members who are dually licensed.0
  7. CAMFT members voted YES to revising the stipulation regarding Robert’s Rules of Order to allow the Board to adopt rules and guidelines that enable them to run meetings effectively and efficiently.

CAMFT would like to thank everyone who participated in the election process.