Board Highlights September 2021

From the Boardroom

Board Highlights September 2021

The following notes highlight discussion and action from the September 18-19, 2021 CAMFT Board of Directors meeting, held in Manhattan Beach, CA.

Financial Report:

The Board reviewed financials for the current year through July 2021. They were provided information on the financials and fund balances for CAMFT, the Educational Foundation, and PAC. Through these first seven months, total revenue is ahead of budget while expenses are below budget, resulting in an overall positive Net Excess. Investments continue to show a net gain.

Strategic Priorities Update:

The Board was updated on CAMFT’s progress on current strategic priorities, including scope of practice, supporting chapters, and social policy.

  • Scope of Practice – An update was given to the Board on the status of Scope of Practice legislation. The legislation was unanimously approved by the Assembly and Senate and has been delivered to the Governor awaiting his signature.
  • Support of Chapters –The Board was updated on progress with chapter support including assistance with membership, leadership, and engagement. The Board was informed that direct coaching for CAMFT’s smallest chapters has begun. CAMFT chapters have also been receiving consultation from a DEI consultant.
  • Social Policy – The Board statements on racism, culturally responsive training, and domestic violence were published on the CAMFT website and in The Therapist. Two additional statements on immigration and drug decriminalization are being reviewed, and a statement on gender equity is in the research stage.

Additional Discussion:

The Board discussed the formation of three potential new committees: a Governance Committee; a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; and an External Affairs Committee. The Board directed small groups or the Executive Committee to continue working on these items and present back to the Board at the next Board meeting.

The Board directed staff to implement a system to document disciplinary actions and censures taken by the Board against named Board members.

The next Board meeting will be held on December 4-5, 2021, location TBA.