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DR. GABOR MATE SHARES INSIGHTS ON ADDICTION TREATMENT CAMFT Past President Patricia Ravitz, LMFT interviews renowned speaker and bestselling author Dr. Gabor Maté. His expertise on addiction, stress, and childhood development has enlightened many psychotherapists around the world. As the keynote speaker for the 2018 Annual Conference, Dr. Maté will share how his work weaves together scientific research, case histories, and his own insights and experience to present a broad perspective that empowers therapists to promote their own healing and that of those around them. This article offers a sneak peek to Dr. Maté’s keynote presentation and workshop at CAMFT’s Annual Conference on April 26, 2018.
ADVANCING THE ART & SCIENCE OF PSYCHOTHERAPY Registration is now open for Advancing the Art & Science of Psychotherapy 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Orange County, April 26-29, 2018.
THE NEW ASSOCIATE TITLE: WHAT REGISTRANTS NEED TO KNOW Effective January 1, 2018, the title for a Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Intern was changed to Associate Marriage and Family Therapist” (or “Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist,” if preferred). This article will discuss the new advertising guidelines for BBS registrants.
NO STRAYING ALLOWED! CLARIFYING THE LINE BETWEEN REPORTING AND INVESTIGATING ABUSE Marriage and family therapists are reminded often that they are reporters of abuse and not investigators of it, but where, exactly, is the line between the two concepts? This article explores that line.
MARIJUANA LAWS AND YOUR LICENSE in recent years, there have been several changes to the laws regarding marijuana use and possession in California. There are also possible changes ahead at the federal level. This article discusses state and federal marijuana laws.
LEARN, CONNECT, VOLUNTEER - WITH CAMFT Volunteers define the heart of the work done at CAMFT. Learn where your talents can benefit your professional association most and let us know which Committee you would like to join!
THE 2018-2019 NOMINATING COMMITTEE SLATE OF CANDIDATES A slate of candidates for the 2018-2019 CAMFT Board of Directors is presented to the CAMFT membership by the CAMFT Nominating Committee.
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