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BRIDGING THE GENDER GAP:GUIDING TRANS YOUTH ON THEIR JOURNEYS TO THEMSELVES Gretchen Cooper, LMFT, discusses best practice principles for gender affirming care when working with transgender youth.
THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES TO CONSIDER WHEN WORKING WITH A PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMPANY This article by staff attorney Alain Montgomery, JD, defines what a practice management company is and describes the advantages and disadvantages of using the array of services it offers therapists.
THOUGHTFUL TRANSITIONS Legal and ethical issues often arise when a therapist is end ng their relationship with an employer. Focusing on topics of dispute that commonly arise between employers and therapists/employees, Michael Griffin, JD, LCSW examines the application of California law to the use of noncompetition clauses in employment contracts and considers sections of the CAMFT Code of Ethics relevant to issues such as patient autonomy and independence.
STATEMENT ON THE DETRIMENTAL IMPACTS OF MISOGYNY ON MENTAL HEALTH CAMFT’s latest Social Policy Statement outlines the impact of misogyny on mental health and wellness.
BUSINESS OF PRACTICE: Meet non-profit founder, adoption and foster care advocate, and YouTube influencer Jeanette Yoffe, MA, LMFT.