BBS Updates February 2021



CAMFT contacted the BBS recently to ask about when the newly revised Code of Ethics will be reflected on licensing exams, as well as to ask about the sun-setting of Option 2 hour logs. Here are helpful responses from the BBS:

Q:  When will questions related to the revised CAMFT Code of Ethics on the MFT exams no longer be experimental but be scored?

A: Beginning January 1, 2021, the entire LMFT Clinical Exam will be based on the new exam plan . Candidates are encouraged to prepare for the examination using this updated exam plan, which is based on results of the most recent occupational analysis. All scoreable items that will comprise the examination have been previously pretested, and we will continue pretesting all new items before they are used on subsequent examinations.

All task statements included on the new examination outline may appear on the examination as scoreable items beginning January 1, 2021. All items that are used as scoreable items have been previously pretested. In addition, there may also be additional items on this new content that will appear on exam(s) as pretest items. However, candidates will not know which items are scoreable and which are pretest. 

Associates can access the updated Exam Plan on the BBS website by clicking here.


Q: It looks like the option 2 forms have been removed from the BBS website. If applicants have deficiencies, which forms should be used to log those hours?

A: If an applicant utilizing Option 2 has deficiencies, the evaluator will send them the Option 2 forms with their deficiency letter. The reason we’ve opted to remove the Option 2 forms from the website is to avoid confusion that anyone can still use this option. As of now, only those with deficiencies under Option 2 can still pursue Option 2.


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