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Dear Members,
My theme for this month's column is resilience. I continue to be inspired when reviewing the results of CAMFT’s recent COVID-19 survey, and I want to share more with you. We had a total of 2,288 responses to this survey. I want to thank every member who took the time to participate.
Two thirds, or 66%, of survey respondents transitioned to telehealth in March in less than 7 days, while another 23% took 8-15 days. Almost 90% of respondents took less than half a month to transition practices to telehealth!
The transition to telehealth in general went relatively smoothly. 39% reported the transition was very easy with no major problems to report, and 40% responded that it was an adjustment, but doable. Only 4% said that the transition was very difficult.
These data points suggest that CAMFT members dealt with the transition to telehealth relatively well. I find this incredibly comforting given how stressful that time period in March was for all of us.
We asked respondents to share the positive impacts, if any, that switching to telehealth had on the patient-provider relationship. I found those responses fascinating. There were thousands of comments—here are just a few of the responses:
We did ask about the negative impacts of telehealth on the patient-provider relationship as well. Here are some of the responses:
These responses tell me that our members, despite the hardships of this time, are resilient and committed. The results of this survey are very reassuring to me. I see how adaptable CAMFT members are in an age of unprecedented anxiety. This gives me great hope as we continue in this challenging period of COVID-19.
And as we look forward, I want to encourage you to check out our newly launched Virtual Experience, a flexible learning program offering a combination of on-demand recordings and live presentations beginning August 21st. Among other important offerings, you’ll find workshops relevant to our changing social landscape, including important discussions regarding racial and systemic injustice and cultural sensitivity. To learn how you can create your own learning schedule with over 50 hours of educational and Law and Ethics content click here.
Wishing everyone health, wellness, and resilience during this time, Nabil El-Ghoroury, Ph.D., CAE Executive Director nel-ghoroury@camft.org | Twitter: @drnabil
Now that we have your attention, let’s talk about your future. The CAMFT Educational Foundation gives away nearly $15,000 every year by offering three scholarships and one grant to deserving candidates. Each scholarship award is in the amount of $4,000, and the grant award is up to $2,500.
The Online Application for each Scholarship and Grant makes it SUPER EASY to apply! To apply for one of these opportunities—or to nominate someone else—click here.
(*Must apply for a Scholarship or Grant)
Have you ever thought about sharing your knowledge and skill while supplementing your income? Now is the perfect time to become a CAMFT-Approved Continuing Education Provider! Learn more here. If you apply by September 1st, you’ll receive 15% off the Application Fee!
We would like you to know that any planned face-to-face educational course can be offered online and still be eligible for CE hours (via WebEx, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, etc.). Read more
The CAMFT Certified Supervisor Program (CSP) goes above and beyond the BBS Requirements for Supervision. Because the skills needed to be an effective supervisor are different than the skills needed to be an effective clinician, the CAMFT CSP prepares you to be an effective supervisor. As a CAMFT Certified Supervisor, you have the opportunity to be recognized by potential supervisees and employers for your advanced training, and as a CAMFT member, you receive a discount when completing the program! Read more.
August 20, 2020 at 12pm - Join CAMFT's Dr. Christie Kederian, LMFT as she hosts two of the most Social-Media Savvy MFTs in the world to discuss how to utilize social media as an MFT. You don't want to miss this!
Applicants for the MFT licensure, who will be taking the MFT Law and Ethics Exam and/or the MFT Clinical Exam, should be aware that questions that may address new topics covered in the updated CAMFT Code of Ethics will first be assessed as pretest items on the MFT Law and Ethics Exam beginning July 1, 2020 and will appear as pretest items on the MFT Clinical Exam starting August 1, 2020. As with all questions on the exams, the performance of pretest items will be evaluated prior to their inclusion as scoreable questions.
Fortunately, the CAMFT Virtual Experience includes workshops that will review all of the changes in the Revised CAMFT Code of Ethics! Join CAMFT Staff Attorney Michael Griffin, Esq., LCSW and Raymond Cameron, MA, LMFT, on August 21st and 22nd as they provide a review and discussion of the newly revised CAMFT Code of Ethics, with a particular focus on understanding the numerous changes, including essential information on ethical guidelines for working with clients via telehealth.
The Virtual Experience is only $99 for Pre-licensed CAMFT Members—and the content is free to watch if you don’t need CEs! Register here.
CAMFT members can access vision insurance through Vision Service Plan (VSP)>.