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  • CAMFT's 2022 Annual Conference

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Helping High Conflict Divorce Families Using EMDR Therapy
Stacey D. White, MS, LMFT
CE Hours: 1.5

Children who resist contact with a parent present unique problems for clinicians, attorneys, and the family court system. Read more.

Awareness Integration Therapy
Dr. Foojan Zeine, LMFT
CE Hour: 1

Awareness Integration Therapy (AIT) is a multi-modality psychological model that enhances self-awareness...  Read more.  

The Influence of Trauma on LGBTQ Identity Development
John Sovec, LMFT
CE Hours: 1.5

The hetero-normative model of therapy has been the standard of care... Read more

Post-Traumatic-Stress and Entropy: Novel Perspective
Dr. Michael Levittan,PhD
CE Hours: 2

In current society, trauma and its frequent sequelae, PTSD, are more ubiquitous than ever.  Read more

25 Ways to Protect Your Licensing Board Complaints
Ofer Zur, PhD
CE Hours: 2

Ofer Zur, PhD, will review current standards of care that all licensed marriage and family therapists need to maintain. Read more

Ending the Codependency Model: Strength Based Approaches for Treating Loved Ones of the Addicted
Robert Weiss, LCSW, LMFT
CE Hours: 2

Codependency is a 40-year old pop-culture concept. It's what we know.  Read more





Dissociation Made Simple
Dr. Jamie Marich, PhD. LPCC-S
1.5 CE Hours

This presentation seeks to debunk the myths and provide a practical and sensitive orientation to how the dissociative mind works.  Read more.

Words Have Power: Halting Microaggressions
Mariama Boney, LMSW, CAE, CEEC
1.5 CE Hours

Do you desire to maximize the connection with your clients and colleagues? What happens when an overt or unconscious slight occurs? Read more.  

Conference Kenote: The Healing Power of US: Teaching Couples to Live Relationally
Terry Real, LICSW
1.5 CE Hours

The toxic culture of individualism and patriarchy rests on the delusions that we stand apart from nature and in control of it.  Read more

Conference Keynote: Decolonizing the Perspective of Health & Food Within Mental Health: The Impact on Clinical Care
Ebony Butler, PhD
1.5 CE Hours

When clients come to us for support with emotional and mental health concerns ...  Read more.

Before You Press Record...
Luke Martin, MBA, JD
1.5 CE Hours

What happens when a client records their therapist without permission? What happens when the therapist wants to record their client?    Read more

Skip the Small Talk, Make Meaningful Connections
Networking Session
Kalina Silverman
0 CE Hours

Founder of Big Talk.  Read more

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